Trying to find a balance

Do you remember everyone telling you to enjoy your years in high school because they would be the best years of your life? Yeah right. You sat there wondering how hours of school, homework, and restrictions from your parents could quite possibly be the best years of your life, but SHIT, they were right. No bills to pay, no job to attend, no unexpected expenses from your home or car, and you could eat whatever the hell you wanted without worrying that those $150 dollar AG skinny jeans would fit the next day.

Life these days in my late twenties relates way too much to the meme here. Who doesn’t want a balanced life? Great paying job, close to your family, amazing friends, in shape physique….the list seriously goes on and on and we are judged when we don’t plaster a smile on our faces 24/7 while trying to keep it all together.

I created this blog to share my struggles with my own balancing act in hopes that it might help someone feel like they aren’t alone. I also needed a place to vent, so I hope you enjoy reading my future posts. My goal is to find some humor in the daily struggles we face as adults, because lets face it, how the hell would we get through them any other way?

Happy Saturday!

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